Working in certain environments has a proven impact on study productivity. Have you found a study space that works for you yet? Here are some tips for what you should be looking for in your ideal study space.
Light and fresh air
Try to work somewhere that offers some form of natural light and, where possible, fresh air. This could mean locating a space that’s naturally bright and airy, or it could mean finding a window to sit near (and having the window periodically open to ensure ventilation through your study space). If you’re a night owl and usually prefer to work during the evenings, west-facing rooms take in the most natural light during evening hours. During the months where evenings are darker, try to get your hands on an appropriate desk lamp to ensure your light levels stay at their best. Remember, air flow can massively help the mind to focus so keep opening that window or take a step outside every now and again to ensure you’re getting your dose of fresh air.
Whether you’re working at home, in a library, in a cafe, or elsewhere, choosing a space that has a fairly low traffic of people will help you to focus on your work. This doesn’t mean you should be in total isolation, but you should try to manage the amount of distractions from loud sounds or nearby conversations that you’re exposed to if possible, maintaining a level that won’t impact your ability to concentrate. If you’re working at home, it’s also a good idea to set up your study space away from electronic distractions like TVs, video games, and sometimes even your phone!
Choose a study space that can cater for your materials. If you’ve got a lot of books or need to work from a laptop and notepad simultaneously, take this into account when you’re choosing where to sit. If you require a lot of materials for your studies and prefer to work outside of your home, take into account how you’ll travel to your chosen space and ensure you’re not physically exerting yourself in order to get there. It’s great if you find the perfect cafe to work in, but if you have to walk across town with a bag full of books to get there you’ll be tired before you even sit down!
Another thing to think about is comfort. A supportive chair and a desk or table at the right height for you can make all the difference to your productivity. Good posture and appropriate leg room will allow you to sit comfortably for a longer period of time and will also prevent you from developing longer term aches and pains. Lots of students make the mistake of slouching over their laptops and developing shoulder pain - if you can avoid this you won’t regret it!
The most important thing about your study space is that it works for you. Play around with different areas, with light and noise levels, and try out different seats and desks if you can. Also, don’t be afraid to change things up if you find that you’re longer working productively in a space that once helped you to study well - keeping your mind active involves changing your routine every now and again.
For more information about productive study methods and how to make the most of your study space, get in touch with Platinum Education Services today. We’re here to help.