Key Information
About the Programme
As the business world shifts to reflect today’s changing economic climate, this course introduces non-specialists to a variety of business operations to allow them to become competent and productive managers. The course focuses on obtaining knowledge of company practices in an international environment, the management of organisational reputations and trademarks, international finance, and cultural understanding in global contexts. Data Analytics Units cover a broad variety of topics including programming, databases, security, project management, and computer networking, offering you both the basic theory and the opportunity to implement it too real-world problems.
Why study this Programme
Successful implementation of the eight taught modules will allow you to gain mastery of both the macro and micro contexts of international business with a greater focus on e-business and data insights. More precisely, you will improve your ability to learn, implement and incorporate international business theory while improving the skills required to apply these concepts to international business practices and a greater understanding of how digital factors and data factors could influence the conduct of business.